Cixi was a lady who lived a very long time ago, in a place called China. She was very important because she was in charge of the country, kind of like a queen!
People called her the Empress Dowager Cixi, which is a really fancy name. She got this name because she was married to an emperor, but when he passed away, she continued to rule the country for a long time, even though she wasn't officially the emperor herself.
Now, even though Cixi was very important, some people didn't like her very much. They thought she was too powerful and they didn't like the way she did things. But other people thought she was great because she did a lot of good things for the country, like building railways and schools.
But one thing that some people didn't like about Cixi was that she didn't want China to change too much. She wanted to keep things the way they were, even though some people thought it was time for China to modernize and become more like other countries.
In the end, Cixi died a very long time ago, but people still talk about her today because she was such an important lady in China's history.