ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Climate appraisal

Climate appraisal is like checking to see if you packed all the things you need for a trip. But instead of packing things like clothes and snacks, climate appraisal looks at the Earth and sees if everything is working the way it should be.

Just like how you might forget to pack your toothbrush for a trip, sometimes the Earth's climate can go a little off track. Climate appraisal helps make sure everything is okay and if something needs to be fixed.

Scientists use special tools to collect information about things like temperature, rainfall, and air quality. They can use this information to spot any problems, like if the Earth is getting too hot or if there's not enough rain in a certain area.

Once they find a problem, they can come up with solutions and ways to make sure the Earth's climate stays healthy. It's like they're the grown-ups making sure everything is ready for our big trip through life.