ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Climate migrant

Hey kiddo! Have you ever heard of a climate migrant? It's someone who has to move from their home because the weather and environment there have changed too much.

You know how we have different seasons like fall, winter, and summer? Well, some places on Earth are getting hotter and hotter every year because of big changes in the climate. That means the air and water are warmer, and it can get very dry.

When things change like that, some people can't grow food like they used to, or find water to drink. They might have trouble finding work or even getting to school. If things get really tough, they might have to move somewhere else where they can have a better life.

Being a climate migrant isn't easy. Imagine having to leave all your friends and family, and the place you've known all your life, just because the weather has made things really hard. That's why it's important for us to take care of our planet and try to slow down the changes happening to our climate, so people don't have to move from their homes.