ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Codi is a special kind of computer language that only some people know how to speak. Just like how some grownups know how to speak Spanish or French. Codi is a language that computers can understand, and it's how people tell the computer what to do.

When you play a game or write a message on your phone, there are codi instructions being sent to the computer inside your phone. These instructions tell the computer what to do, like showing you the game or saving your message.

People who know how to speak codi can use it to make really cool things. They can make websites and apps, and even make robots do things like talk or move.

The codi language is like giving the computer a very specific set of instructions, so it knows just what to do. Just like when you tell your little brother "put the toys in the toy chest", the very specific instructions make sure he knows exactly what to do.

So, codi is like a secret language that computers speak, and it helps people make really cool things that we use every day!
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