ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coffee roasting

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen those small, hard, light brown beans that grown-ups drink in a hot drink called coffee? Well, those little beans come from a plant called a coffee plant, and they have to be roasted before they can become the drink we know as coffee.

Roasting is like cooking but for coffee beans. Just like how your mom cooks your favorite food in the oven or on the stove, the coffee beans have to be cooked too. But instead of using an oven or a stove, coffee roasters use a special machine called a roaster.

The roaster has a big drum inside where it heats up the coffee beans. The roaster spins the beans around inside the drum while it heats up, just like a popcorn machine. As the beans spin, they get hotter and hotter until they start to turn brown and give off a smoky smell.

The coffee roaster has to keep a close eye on the beans as they roast because the roasting time and temperature can change how the coffee tastes. Some people like their coffee to be light and not too strong, while others like it to be really dark and strong. It all depends on how long the beans are roasted for.

Once the beans are done roasting, they have to cool down quickly or else they'll keep roasting and burning. After they're cooled down, the roasted coffee beans are ready to be ground up and made into a cup of coffee.

So now you know, coffee roasting is the process of cooking coffee beans in a special machine called a roaster until they turn brown and give off a smoky smell. The beans are then cooled down and ground up to become the coffee we all love to drink!
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