ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cognitive bias modification

Cognitive bias modification is a type of therapy that helps you change how you think. It's like retraining your brain to think differently. To get better at thinking, we often have to practice. Cognitive bias modification is like practicing thinking in a different way so that our brains can learn a new, healthier thought pattern. The goal is to recognize our biases (which are thoughts that are not realistic or helpful) and replace them with more helpful thoughts, so that we can better handle difficult situations and make better decisions. To do this, we practice responding to certain situations in a different way. For example, if you usually feel anxious in social situations, you would practice responding to those situations with more positive thoughts. Over time, this practice will help you feel better about that situation and other similar situations. Practicing through cognitive bias modification will help build better thinking habits so you can better handle life’s challenges.