ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Coherentism means that things make sense when they fit together like a puzzle. It's like when you put together a jigsaw puzzle and all the pieces match perfectly. Just like the pieces of a puzzle fit together to create a picture, ideas or beliefs fit together to make sense in our minds.

When we believe something, we don't just believe it by itself. We also believe other things that support this belief. These things might be opinions from people we trust, or things we have experienced ourselves. We use all of these different pieces of information to create our beliefs.

For example, if someone believes that it's wrong to steal, it's not just because someone told them that stealing is bad. They also believe this because they know that stealing hurts other people, and they have learned this from many different sources.

Coherentism teaches us that we should look at all our beliefs together and see if there are any contradictions or problems. If we notice that two beliefs conflict, we should try to figure out which one is correct. This way, we can make sure that all our beliefs fit together like a puzzle, and make sense as a whole.