ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A connectogram is kind of like a map for your brain. Just like how you use a map to find your way to a new place, a connectogram helps scientists understand how different parts of your brain talk to each other.

Your brain is made up of millions of tiny parts called neurons. They use electrical impulses to talk to each other and help you do things like move your body or think about what you want for lunch. These neurons are connected by pathways called axons that act like little highways for information to travel on.

A connectogram shows how all of these highways connect different parts of your brain. Think of it like drawing lines between different cities on a map. Just like how some cities are close together and others are far apart, some parts of your brain are connected to each other more strongly than others.

Scientists use connectograms to learn more about how different brain functions are connected. For example, they might use a connectogram to understand how the part of your brain that controls your hand movement is connected to the part of your brain that helps you see. By understanding these connections, they can learn more about how your brain works and even develop better treatments for brain-related disorders.