ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Consensus-based assessment

Consensus-based assessment is like when you and your friends are trying to decide on something, like what game to play, and everyone talks about what they like and dislikes about the different games. Then, you all work together to pick the game that everyone is happy with. That’s consensus-based assessment!

In adult situations, it’s when a group of people work together to make a decision. It’s important because everyone has an equal say and can share their ideas. It helps to make sure nobody feels left out or unhappy with the final decision.

To make a consensus-based decision, the group will ask everyone to share their thoughts and opinions. Then, they will talk about the different opinions and try to find a solution that works for everyone. This process can take time because it's important to make sure everyone is heard and that everyone can agree to the final decision.

Overall, consensus-based assessment is just people working together to make a decision that everyone can agree on. Everyone gets to share their ideas and opinions to help find the best solution.