ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Consulting is when people who are very good at solving problems help other people or companies solve their problems too. Imagine you have a puzzle that you can't solve by yourself. You might ask someone who is really good at puzzles for help. That person would be like a consultant for you.

Consultants use their skills and experience to help solve problems related to different things, like business, technology, marketing and more. They might work for themselves or for a consulting company.

When a company hires a consultant, the consultant will try to understand the company's problem and then provide ideas and solutions to solve it. The consultant might do things like research, talk to people, analyze data, and present their findings to the company.

Think of it like having a personal coach who helps you become better at playing soccer or riding a bike. They give you tips and tricks and show you how to do it the right way. In this case though, the consultant is helping a company become more successful at what they do.