ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Continental Association

A "continental association" is like a big group of friends who all live on the same really big piece of land called a "continent." They all decide to work together and help each other out, kind of like how you and your friends might work together to build a big fort out of blankets and pillows.

When the friends in the continental association work together, they can do things like trade with each other for things they need, or protect each other from bad things that might happen. It's kind of like if you and your friends decided to trade snacks at lunchtime to make sure everyone had something to eat, or if you worked together to make sure nobody got left behind if you were playing a game where you had to run really fast.

The continental association can be made up of different countries that are all on the same continent, or it can just be a group of people who live in different parts of the continent but decide to work together. The important thing is that they all agree to help each other out and work towards the same goals.