ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Contingency market

Okay kiddo, let's imagine that you and your friend want to have a race, but you think it might rain that day and you may get wet, which would make you slower. So you want to make a plan just in case it does rain. That plan is called a contingency.

A contingency market is a lot like making a contingency plan. But instead of a race, it's for things like sports games or political events. A contingency market is a place where people can buy and sell contracts that predict what might happen in the future.

Let's say there is a big football game coming up, and people aren't sure which team is going to win. Some people might buy a contract that says Team A will win, while others might buy one that says Team B will win. They might also buy contracts that predict the final score or how many points a certain player will score.

Now, let's say something unexpected happens, like the star player gets injured before the game. Suddenly, everyone who bought contracts predicting he would score a lot of points might change their minds and want to sell their contracts so they don't lose money. And the people who bought contracts predicting the other team would win might start selling their contracts too, because they think Team A has a better chance of winning now.

The prices of all these contracts would change constantly based on new information and people's beliefs about what might happen in the future. That's what makes contingency markets so interesting - you can never be sure how things will turn out, but you can make a guess and see if it pays off!