ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of secret codes? Well, coptology is like a grown-up version of secret codes. It's all about figuring out how to read and understand ancient Egyptian texts that were written in an old language called Coptic.

Coptic is a language that was used by a group of people who lived in Egypt a really long time ago- like thousands of years ago. They wrote on papyrus (kind of like paper) and also on walls and rocks. But back then, they didn't just use regular letters like we do now. They had their own special alphabet that looked kind of funny- some letters looked like squiggles or lines, and others looked like regular letters but with a little tail or dot on top.

Nowadays, people who study coptology are like detectives. They try to figure out what those ancient writings mean by studying the language, the history, and the culture of that time. Sometimes, the writings are really hard to understand because they're so old and the language has changed so much. But if you love puzzles and mysteries, coptology is like a treasure hunt- you could be the one to figure out what an ancient text really means!