ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Copyright infringement of software

Imagine you have your favorite toy, which is very special to you and you've played with it every day. Now imagine that someone else takes your toy without asking or paying for it, and starts playing with it too. That's not fair, is it? It's the same with software.

Software is like a toy for grown-ups: a computer program that makes things happen on our computers or devices. Someone creates the software, just like someone creates the toy you love. This person owns the rights to the software, which means that they get to decide how it's used and who gets to use it.

When someone else uses the software without permission, it's called copyright infringement. This is like when someone takes your toy without permission – it's not fair or legal! It's important to respect other people's rights and property, including software creators' rights.

Copyright infringement of software can cause a lot of problems. It's against the law, so the person who infringes on the copyright can face legal consequences like fines or even jail time. It can also hurt the software creator's business and income, because they're not getting paid for their hard work.

It's always best to play by the rules and not infringe on someone else's copyright. Just like you wouldn't want someone taking your toy without permission, you should respect other people's property and not use their software without permission.