ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5
Examples: crt, failure, darkness, laptop, tls

Copyright social conflict

Hello there little one! Today, we're going to talk about something called "copyright social conflict."

So, have you ever drawn a really cool picture or made up a super fun dance? Well, when people create something like that, it's called "intellectual property." That means it's something that they made up and it's their own special idea.

Now, when someone else wants to use that idea or make money off it, they have to get permission from the person who made it up. That's where "copyright" comes in - it's like a special rule that says who gets to use someone's idea and how they can use it.

But sometimes, people don't agree on how the copyright is being used. For example, imagine you drew a picture of a cute little puppy and you put it on the internet so everyone could see it. If someone else came along and used your picture without asking you first or giving you credit, you might feel upset or angry.

That's where the "social conflict" part comes in. When people don't agree on how to use someone's intellectual property or when they don't respect the copyright rules, it can cause problems and disagreements.

So, it's important to remember that if you create something really cool, it's your own special idea! And if you see someone else's cool idea, you should always ask them before using it. That way everyone can be happy and the copyright social conflict can be avoided!