ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cork borer

A cork borer is a special kind of tool that helps to make holes in things like corks, rubber stoppers, and other materials that are soft and easy to pierce. It looks like a long, thin metal tube with a sharpened edge on one end and a handle on the other.

To use a cork borer, you first need to choose the size of the hole you want to make. This is because cork borers come in different sizes, just like you have different sizes of crayons or markers. Once you have chosen the right size, you can place the sharp end of the tool on top of the material you want to bore a hole in.

Then, using a twisting motion and applying pressure, you turn the tool around and around until you have made a hole all the way through the material. This is similar to how you might twist a pencil when you are sharpening it.

Cork borers are useful in a lot of different situations. For example, if you need to create a small hole in a cork to insert a straw or a pipette, a cork borer can help you do that quickly and easily. They are also useful in science labs, where they can be used to cut small sections of plant stems, for example.

However, it is important to remember that cork borers are sharp tools and should only be used by adults or children who have been trained to use them safely. Like all tools, they should be handled with care and respect.