ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Corporate real estate

Corporate real estate is where a big business or company owns or rents buildings and land to do their work. Just like how we have a house or apartment to live in, companies have their own places to work. Instead of just one building like a house, they might have lots of buildings or even a whole campus.

Sometimes, these companies might even have special buildings designed just for them with their own logos or signs on the outside. When a company owns or rents these places, it's called corporate real estate. Just like how we have to pay rent or a mortgage for our homes, big companies have to pay to use these buildings and land.

The people who work in corporate real estate are responsible for finding or building these buildings, making sure they're safe and comfortable for everyone to work in, and figuring out how much it should cost to live or work there. Sometimes they might also sell buildings or land that the company doesn't need anymore.

Basically, corporate real estate is just a fancy way to say that a company has its own buildings and land to do its work in.