ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cost of raising a child

Raising a child costs money, because children need a lot of things to help them grow into healthy and happy adults. One of the biggest expenses is food. You need to buy healthy foods that your child likes to eat, so they get the energy and nutrition they need. You also might need to buy formula or other food items for infants.

Clothing is another big expense. Kids quickly outgrow clothing, so it’s important to buy clothes that will last them for a while. Toys, books, and other items for entertainment also add up quickly, as do household items like furniture, car seats, and beds.

Educational costs like tutors, schools or daycare are expensive too, as are medical costs. Babies and young children need many check-ups and vaccinations, and older children may get sick or injured and need to go to the doctor or hospital.

Finally, you’ll need to budget for activities like sports, music lessons, or summer camps. All of these things add up and can be expensive.