Cotton is a plant that people grow to make things like clothes, bedding, towels, and many other things.
When someone wants to make cotton, they first have to plant the seeds in the ground. The seeds have to stay in the ground for a while before they turn into a plant.
After a few weeks, the cotton plant starts to grow leaves and stems. Then, little flowers start to bloom on the plant, and those flowers eventually turn into pods called bolls.
Inside each boll, you can find lots of cotton. To get the cotton, people have to open up the bolls and remove the cotton. They do this by using a machine called a cotton-picking machine or by hand.
Once people have the cotton, it’s cleaned and processed so it can be used to make things. Cotton is a very soft material and it’s also really strong, so it’s perfect for making clothes and other things that get used a lot.
So, to sum it up, cotton is a plant that grows little balls of fluffy stuff that people use to make things like clothes and towels by picking it and cleaning it.