Okay kiddo, have you ever gone shopping with your parents and seen them use their credit card to pay for stuff they buy? Well, there are some people who try to use credit cards that don't belong to them. They try to buy things with someone else's credit card information. This is called "carding".
A credit card has important information like the card number, the expiration date, and the name of the person who owns the card. If someone can get their hands on this information, they can use it to make purchases without the owner's permission, which is really bad.
Some people who card will steal this information by hacking into a store's computer or even just by looking over someone's shoulder while they're typing in their card information. Once they have the credit card information, they will try to use it to buy things online or in stores.
This is very wrong and very illegal! It's important to always keep your credit card information safe and secure, and only use it for yourself. If someone ever tries to use your credit card without your permission, you should tell your grown-up right away so they can help you fix it.