ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Court of equity

Okay kiddo, do you know what a court is? It's a place where people go when they have a problem that they can't solve on their own. But not all problems are the same and some problems need a different kind of help. That's where the court of equity comes in.

The court of equity is like a different type of court that deals with problems that are not just about what the law says. In regular court, the judge only follows what the law says and makes a decision based on that. But in the court of equity, the judge can look at other things like fairness or what's right and wrong.

For example, say you and your friend are playing with a toy and your friend accidentally breaks it. If you go to regular court, the judge might say that your friend has to pay you for the toy. But in the court of equity, the judge might say that it was an accident and your friend doesn't have to pay you.

Another example is if someone owes you a lot of money but they can't pay it all back at once. In regular court, you might have to wait a long time to get all your money back. But in the court of equity, the judge might decide that the person can pay you back little by little over time so that it's not too hard for them.

So, the court of equity is like a special court that can make decisions based on what's fair and right, not just what the law says.