ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Criticism of marriage

Okay kiddo, let's talk about criticism of marriage.

So, you know how sometimes grown-ups get married? They promise to be with each other forever and ever and make a family together. But sometimes, even though they love each other, they might have some problems in their relationship.

Now, some people think that there are some problems with marriage itself, not just with a particular couple. They believe that marriage is not always the best choice for every person and that it has some flaws.

One reason for this belief is that marriage can be a lot of work. When people are married, they have to work hard to keep their relationship strong, communicate well, and compromise with each other. Sometimes, people feel like they lose some of their freedom and independence when they get married.

Another reason is that not every couple is the same and not every relationship is meant to turn into a marriage. There are many different ways to love and commit to someone, and marriage might not be the best way for everyone. Some people might prefer to live together without getting married, or have an open relationship, which means they can see other people outside of their relationship.

Lastly, some people criticize marriage because it has historically been used to control women. In the past, women were often forced to marry for financial or social reasons, and they had very little power in their marriage. Even today, some people believe that marriage reinforces traditional gender roles, where men are supposed to provide for their family, and women are supposed to take care of the home and kids.

So, it's important to remember that not everyone believes in marriage or that it's the best choice for every relationship. Each person and couple needs to decide what works best for them.