ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cultural sensitivity

Cultural sensitivity means that we should be respectful and kind to people who come from different cultures than us. Imagine you are at a friend’s house and they have different rules and ways of doing things than your home. You should be respectful of their ways and not make fun of them. This is the same idea with cultural sensitivity, except it is with different countries and people from different parts of the world.

It is important to understand that not everyone thinks and feels the same way that we do, and that is okay! We should try to learn about other cultures and understand why people do things differently. For example, some people may pray at different times of the day or week than we do, but that does not mean what they are doing is wrong.

We should also be careful about using language that might be offensive or hurtful to people from different cultures. Just like we do not want people to say mean things about us, we should be kind and respectful to others.

Overall, cultural sensitivity means being respectful, kind, and understanding towards people from different cultures. By doing this, we can make the world a better and happier place for everyone!