ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Customer satisfaction

Imagine you are a little kid who loves candy. Let's say your mommy takes you to the candy store to buy your favorite candy. But when you got there, they didn't have your favorite candy. You felt a little sad and disappointed, right? This is because you were not satisfied with the service of the candy store.

In grown-up's world, people buy different things from different stores like groceries, clothes, shoes, gadgets, and many more. When they buy something, they also have feelings about the experience. If the experience was good, they feel happy and satisfied. If the experience was bad, they feel sad and dissatisfied.

Customer satisfaction is like a measuring stick that tells how happy or unhappy customers feel about the experience they have had with a particular store or company. Just like a measuring stick tells you how tall or short you are, customer satisfaction tells you how happy or unhappy a customer is.

To make sure customers are happy, stores and companies need to listen to their feedback, learn from their mistakes and improve their services. When they do this, customers are more likely to come back and buy more things, which is good for both the customers and the stores.