ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Daily urban system

A "daily urban system" is a way of talking about all the different things that happen in a city and how people move around in it. Imagine your city is like a big pie, and each slice of the pie represents a different part of the city, like where people live, work, shop, go to school, and relax.

Every day, people in the city are trying to go from one slice of the pie to another. Some people might live in one slice and work in another, so they need to travel between them. Other people might want to go shopping or to a park in a different slice of the pie.

To make it easier for people to move around the city, there are different systems in place. For example, there might be buses, trains, or subways that run through the different slices of the pie, making it easier for people to get where they need to go. There might also be bike lanes or sidewalks that people can use to walk or ride bikes.

Sometimes, the daily urban system can get really crowded, especially during rush hour when lots of people are trying to get to work or school at the same time. This can make it hard for everyone to move around, and sometimes people might get frustrated or even angry. But overall, the daily urban system helps keep the city running smoothly and makes it easier for everyone to get where they need to go.