ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dalit Buddhist Movement

The Dalit Buddhist movement is about people in India who used to be called "untouchables" because they were born into a caste that society didn't want to touch or let near. These people faced a lot of discrimination and were often treated very poorly.

Some of these untouchables started following Buddhism because it teaches that everyone is equal and deserves respect, regardless of their background or social status. They also found inspiration in the life of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, who himself was a Dalit and became a Buddhist because he wanted to fight against caste discrimination.

This movement encourages Dalits to adopt Buddhism as their religion and follow its principles of equality and non-discrimination. They also organize rallies and events to demand equal rights and opportunities for themselves in society.

The Dalit Buddhist movement has helped empower these marginalized communities and bring attention to their struggles. It's an important movement for fighting against discrimination and promoting social justice in India.