ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dawn chorus (birds)

Hello, little one! Have you ever woken up in the morning and heard many birds singing outside? That's what we call the "dawn chorus". It's the time of day when birds sing the most!

But why do they do this? Well, birds sing for many reasons. One reason is to defend their territory. They are telling other birds that this is their space and they should stay away. Another reason is to attract a mate. The male birds will sing to show off how strong and healthy they are, in the hopes of impressing a female bird.

So why do they sing so much in the morning? That's because it's the best time for birds to find a mate or defend their territory. The air is cool and still, which makes it easier for other birds to hear them. Also, there are fewer predators around in the morning, so it's safer for the birds to be out and singing.

So that's the dawn chorus, little one! It's all about birds singing in the morning to defend their territory or find a mate. Pretty cool, huh?
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