ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Day-care sex-abuse hysteria

Okay kiddo, do you remember when we talk about how it's not okay for someone to touch your private parts unless it's a doctor or your parent helping you? Well, unfortunately, some really bad things happened a long time ago where some people who were supposed to take care of kids at daycares touched the kids' private parts in a really bad way. This made a lot of people worried that it was happening everywhere and made them start thinking that even more people were doing it.

So, the grown-ups became really scared and didn't want any kids to get hurt, so they started looking very closely at all the daycares. They asked kids questions, and sometimes they would lead the kids into saying things that may not have been true. Then the grown-ups would get even more scared and thought every daycare was doing it, even though most of them were not.

Finally, they figured out that they were wrong and that most daycares and people taking care of kids were good people. They learned that they had to be very careful when they were looking for bad people, and that they had to listen very carefully to what the kids were saying to make sure they weren't being led into saying things that weren't true. It was a really hard time for everyone, and we are still learning from it today so that we can keep kids safe.