ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Decauville railway

Decauville railway is a kind of train track that is specially designed to be used in places where regular trains cannot go. It is named after a man called Paul Decauville who invented it a long time ago.

Now, imagine you have a toy train and you want to set up a track for it to run on. If you have a big open space like a living room, you can use a regular train track and the train will go around smoothly. But what if you want to take your toy train to a different place, like a garden or a park, where the ground is not flat and even? This is where a Decauville railway comes in handy.

A Decauville railway is made up of special tracks that are lighter and smaller than regular train tracks. They can be easily taken apart and moved to different places. These tracks have little wheels called bogies, which help the train move smoothly even on bumpy or rough surfaces.

The tracks of a Decauville railway are usually made of wood or metal. The pieces fit together like a puzzle, and you can connect them in a straight line or make turns. This allows you to build a track that goes wherever you want, like around trees or over small hills.

The trains that run on Decauville railways are also different than regular trains. They are smaller and lighter, so they can go places where bigger trains can't. These trains can carry people or things, just like a regular train, but on a smaller scale.

Decauville railways were very popular in the past because they were easy to set up and take down. They were used in places like factories, mines, and even during wars to transport goods and people. Nowadays, Decauville railways are not as commonly used, but you can still find them in some places, especially in museums or historical sites.

So, in summary, Decauville railway is a special type of train track that can be easily moved and set up in different places. It allows smaller trains to go where regular trains can't and was used in the past for various purposes.