ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Deconstruction (building)

Deconstruction is like taking apart a big toy you no longer want or need. It’s basically breaking down a building or structure, like a house or office building, into smaller pieces so that they can be reused or recycled.

Imagine you have a big lego house that you no longer want to play with. You can start taking it apart by removing one lego block at a time until the whole house is in pieces. You can reuse some of the lego blocks to build a new structure, or you can recycle them to make new legos.

The same goes for deconstructing buildings. Workers use special tools to carefully remove items like doors, windows, and pipes so that they can be reused or recycled. Anything that can’t be reused or recycled is safely disposed of.

Overall, deconstruction is a way to reduce waste and make the most out of what we already have. It’s like taking something old and giving it a new purpose.