ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Deng Xiaoping

Deng Xiaoping was a very important person in China. He was like a grown-up who helped make important decisions about how China should be run.

He was born a long time ago in 1904, but even when he was a kid he liked to learn and read a lot. When he grew up, he became a very important leader in the Chinese government.

One of Deng Xiaoping's biggest accomplishments was changing how things were run in China. Before, China had a leader named Chairman Mao who made all the big decisions for the country. But Mao's methods didn't always work very well, and China wasn't doing as well as it could have.

So Deng Xiaoping helped come up with a plan to change things - he wanted to make the government more open to new ideas and to make it easier for people to start their own businesses. This was called "reform and opening up."

Thanks to Deng Xiaoping, China changed a lot. People started to have more freedom to make decisions on their own, and the country became more successful. Deng Xiaoping will always be remembered as a very important person in Chinese history.