ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Development criticism

Well, kiddo, development criticism means that people pointing out the things that need to be improved or changed in a certain plan or project that is meant to make things better or more advanced.

Let's say you built a tower with blocks, but then your friend tells you that the tower isn't very stable and falls over easily. That is development criticism.

Similarly, when people criticize a government or organization's plan to improve something like roads, education, healthcare, or technology, they are giving feedback on what needs to be done better so that we can have a better future.

But it's important to remember that criticism is not always negative; sometimes, people will also give positive feedback, saying what they like about a project or plan, and that helps the developers know what they're doing well.

In the end, development criticism helps us make sure that we are doing the best we can to improve our world, and to create a brighter future for everyone.