ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Digital topology

Hey there kiddo! Have you ever heard of topology? It’s all about studying shapes and spaces. Now, digital topology is a type of topology that focuses on shapes that are made up of digital points, also known as pixels.

Imagine coloring a picture on your tablet or playing a video game on your computer, all those little squares or dots that make up the picture, are pixels that are either turned on (colored) or off (not colored). Digital topology helps us understand how these pixels create shapes and how they relate to each other.

For example, imagine you have a digital image of a square. If you were to slice it diagonally, you would end up with two triangles that share a side. But in the world of digital topology, we would say that the shared side actually consists of a line of pixels that connect the two triangles together.

Digital topology is important in computer science because it helps us develop algorithms (fancy computer recipes) for manipulating and processing digital images. So, when you apply a Snapchat filter, or edit a picture in Photoshop, you are using algorithms that were developed using digital topology concepts.

So there you have it, digital topology is all about understanding how pixels (little dots that make up pictures) relate to each other and how we can use this knowledge to create cool computer stuff.