ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Discrimination in education

Discrimination in education means treating some children unfairly at school or in other places where they learn because of things like their skin color, gender or religion. Imagine if you and your friend both wanted to play a game, but the teacher only let your friend play and not you because of the color of your shirt. This is like discrimination.

Sometimes, schools may have rules that are not fair for everyone. For example, in some schools, girl students aren't allowed to play certain sports, or they may tell a certain group of students that they cannot attend certain classes or use certain facilities, such as bathrooms, because of their skin color or gender. This is also discrimination.

Discrimination can also happen in the way teachers or other people treat students. Teachers should treat all kids the same, but sometimes they may not be kind to some children because they don't like their religion, country, or other reasons, and this can make them feel bad and discouraged.

Discrimination in education can make students feel sad, hurt or angry. It can also affect their learning, self-esteem and opportunities for their future. It is important that everyone, including parents, teachers, and school administrators work together to ensure that all children are treated fairly and have equal access to education, and that any form of discrimination is immediately reported and addressed.