ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bias in curricula

Hey buddy! Do you know what curricula is? It's like all the things you learn in school - reading, math, science, social studies, and so on. But sometimes, the things we learn in school can be unfair or not accurate, and that's called bias.

Bias can mean different things, but in this case, it means that some parts of what we learn might be unfair or not as true as they could be. For example, some curricula might only teach about certain groups of people and not others, and that can make it seem like those groups are not important. Or, some curricula might only talk about one way of thinking or being in the world, and not acknowledge other ways that people might live or understand things.

When we talk about bias in curricula, we mean that some parts of what we're learning might be unfair or not very true or accurate, and that can hurt our ability to learn and grow as people. It's important to try and make sure that curricula is fair and accurate so that everyone can learn and grow together.