ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hi there! Do you know what disgust means? It's when you feel a really strong feeling of not liking something. It can be something you see, smell, taste, feel or hear.

For example, imagine seeing a squished bug on the ground. That might make you feel disgusted because it looks yucky and slimy. Or if you smelled something stinky, like rotten eggs, that could make you feel disgusted because it's a really bad smell that makes you want to cover your nose.

Sometimes, people feel disgusted by certain foods. Have you ever tasted something that you really didn't like and wanted to spit it out? That's kind of like feeling disgusted.

Disgust is a way that our bodies and brains protect us from things that could be harmful or dangerous. It's like a warning signal that tells us to stay away from things that aren't good for us.

But sometimes, what makes one person feel disgusted might not be the same for another person. Like some people might really love eating pickles, while others think they're gross and make them feel disgusted. It's all just a matter of personal taste!

So, in summary, disgust is that icky feeling you get when you see, smell, taste, feel or hear something that you really don't like. It's like a warning signal that tells you to stay away from things that might not be good for you.