ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Driven media

So, you know how sometimes when you watch your favorite videos on YouTube or TV, there are things in between them like ads or commercials? That's what we call "driven media".

It's called "driven" because these ads or commercials are trying to persuade you to buy or use the product they are promoting. The people who create these ads work very hard to make them interesting and catchy, so that you will remember them and maybe even want to buy the product.

Sometimes, these ads are shown to you because they are related to the video you are watching. For example, if you are watching a video about cleaning, you might see an ad for cleaning supplies. Other times, the ads are shown to you based on things you have searched for or based on your age, gender, or location.

Overall, driven media is a way for companies to get people interested in their products or services, and they use ads or commercials to achieve this. It's like someone trying to convince you to try a new candy bar or toy by showing you an awesome video about it!