ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Drum and bugle corps (modern)

Drum and bugle corps is a really cool type of musical performance group that usually has a bunch of people playing instruments called drums and brass instruments like trumpets and tubas. They wear special uniforms that are usually really shiny and colorful, and they walk around in cool formations while playing their instruments.

These groups started a really long time ago when people would use drums and bugles to help communicate during battles. But now, drum and bugle corps are usually just for entertainment.

The way it works is that people who want to be in a drum and bugle corps have to audition and be really good at playing their instruments. If they get accepted, they spend a lot of time practicing and learning a special routine of music and movements that they will perform together.

They usually perform in big competitions called shows, and groups from all over the country come to compete against each other. They play music and march in formation in front of judges, who give them scores based on how well they perform.

Drum and bugle corps are really cool to watch because they play really impressive music while moving around in cool patterns. It takes a lot of practice and hard work to be in a drum and bugle corps, but the end result is a really cool and entertaining performance.