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Dunhuang manuscripts

Dunhuang Manuscripts are really old papers with writing on them that were discovered in China. These papers were found in a special place called Dunhuang, which is a city in northwest China near the Gobi Desert.

These papers were written by people who lived a long time ago, like over a thousand years ago! The people who wrote on the papers were Buddhists, which means they followed a certain religion. They wrote about their beliefs and also told stories about famous people in their religion.

The coolest thing about these papers is that they were found in a cave! The cave was full of all kinds of old papers and people have been working hard to look at them and understand what they say. Some of the papers are really old and fragile, so they have to be handled very carefully.

By looking at the papers, people can learn a lot about what people thought and believed a long time ago. The Dunhuang Manuscripts are really special because they give us a glimpse into the past and help us understand how people used to live and think.