ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Timbuktu manuscripts

Okay, imagine you have lots of pieces of paper with really important writing on them that people from a very long time ago wrote. These pieces of paper are the Timbuktu manuscripts.

Timbuktu is a place in Africa where people used to write down lots of information about things like math, science, and religion. They wrote on these pieces of paper called manuscripts because they didn't have computers like we do now.

These manuscripts are so special because they give us information about what life was like a long time ago in Africa. They also show us how smart and creative the people were who wrote them.

Some of the manuscripts are really old and fragile, which means they could easily tear or be damaged if not handled carefully. That's why people work hard to take special care of them and make sure they are kept safe for future generations to learn from.