ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Early infanticidal childrearing

Early infanticidal childrearing is when parents or caregivers intentionally harm or kill babies or infants. This is a very bad thing and is against the law in most countries. It is important to remember that babies and infants are very powerless and vulnerable, and they need adults to take care of them and keep them safe.

Sometimes parents or caregivers might harm or kill babies because they feel overwhelmed or stressed. But this is not an excuse to hurt a baby. There are many resources available for parents and caregivers who are struggling and need help.

If you ever see or hear about someone hurting or killing a baby, it is important to tell a trusted adult, like a parent, a teacher, or a police officer. They can help protect the baby and stop the bad behavior. Remember, it is never okay to hurt a baby or anyone else.