ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Effects of overtime

Okay kiddo, let me explain what overtime is and what it does to our bodies.

Overtime is when someone works more hours than they are supposed to in a day or week. When you are working, your body uses energy to do tasks like typing or lifting things. This energy comes from the food you eat.

When you work overtime, your body has to use more energy than usual. This can make you feel tired, irritable, or sleepy. You may also feel like you don't want to do anything else after work.

If this happens, it's important to rest and take breaks. Your body needs time to recharge and recover from all the extra work. You should also make sure you are eating healthy and getting enough sleep at night.

However, if you keep working overtime for a long time without taking breaks, it can have more serious effects on your health. It can lead to stress, physical exhaustion, and even sickness.

That's why it's important to balance your work and personal life, and try to avoid working too much overtime if possible. Remember, your health is always the most important thing!