ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Electric Avenue

Electric avenue is a street that uses a special type of energy to power things like lights and buildings. This energy is called electricity and it comes from power plants that create it using things like coal, water, and wind.

So, imagine your house needs electricity to power your TV and your computer. You might plug them into an outlet on the wall with a cord. Electric avenue is kind of like one giant power outlet.

The street has special cables and wires under the ground that carry the electricity from the power plants to the buildings and lights on the street. Just like how the cord from your TV carries electricity from the outlet to the TV.

Using electricity is important because it doesn't cause pollution like other ways of making energy, like burning things like oil and gas. It's also very efficient because you can send the energy long distances without wasting any.

So, when you're walking down Electric Avenue, you can thank the power plants and the people who built the underground cables for giving you access to all the cool things that run on electricity.