ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Elephantine papyri

Okay kiddo, so there are big animals called elephants, right? And a long, long time ago, people used to write on long, flat sheets made from a plant called papyrus.

Now, when they needed to write something really important or special, they would use bigger sheets of papyrus so they could fit more words on them. These big sheets were called elephantine papyri because they were as big as an elephant!

The people who wrote on these elephantine papyri were usually important people like kings or priests. Sometimes they wrote about laws or taxes or other important things that the people needed to know.

Today, we can see some of these elephantine papyri in museums or libraries where they are kept safe and protected. They are really old and delicate, so we have to be very careful with them. But they are very interesting to look at because they tell us a lot about what life was like a long, long time ago!