ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Elo rating system

Ok, imagine there's a game you love to play, like chess. In this game, you want to know how good you are compared to other players.

So, what the Elo rating system does is give you a number that shows how good you are at playing the game. The higher the number, the better you are.

The way it works is like this: when you play against someone else, your rating goes up if you win and down if you lose. If you're playing against someone with a higher rating than you, and you win, you'll get more points than if you were playing against someone with a lower rating than you.

This means that over time, your rating will get more and more accurate. If you keep winning, your rating will keep going up, but if you start losing, your rating will start going down.

So, the Elo rating system is kind of like a scoreboard for how good you are at playing a game, and it helps you figure out who's the best player out there.
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