ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Emblem of the People's Republic of Bulgaria

Imagine you have a toy that you really like and you want to put your name on it so that no one else takes it. This is kind of like what Bulgaria did with their emblem. They made a special picture that represents their country and they put it on things like their flags, government buildings, and money.

The emblem has a few different parts that all mean something important. The first part is a lion. Lions are strong and brave animals, so this lion shows that Bulgaria wants to be a strong and brave country too. The lion is also holding a shield with images of important things in Bulgaria, like mountains and rivers.

The next part of the emblem is a wreath of wheat. Wheat is a plant that grows in Bulgaria and it is an important crop that people use to make things like bread. The wreath shows that Bulgaria is proud of their farming and agriculture.

Finally, the emblem has a five-pointed star. This star represents the Communist Party that ruled Bulgaria for many years. The Communist Party was a group that believed in making things equal for everyone and helping poor people. The star shows that Bulgaria was once part of this group and believed in their ideas.

So, in summary, Bulgaria made a special picture called the emblem that has a lion, a shield, a wreath of wheat, and a star to represent important things about their country like strength, farming, and their history with the Communist Party.