ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Emotions in decision making

Hi there! Today, we are going to talk about emotions and how they can impact our decision making.

Emotions are feelings that we have when we experience something. You might feel happy when you see your friends, or sad when you lose a toy. Emotions can be really strong and sometimes they can make it hard for us to make good choices.

When we make a decision, we have to think about all of the information we have and weigh the pros and cons. Sometimes, our emotions can get in the way of making a good decision. For example, if we are very angry, we might make a decision that we will regret later.

On the other hand, sometimes our emotions can help us make better decisions. For example, if we are really happy about something, we might be more likely to make a decision that will make us even happier. Or if we are scared about something, we might make a decision that will keep us safe.

So, emotions can both help and hurt our decision making. It is important to pay attention to how we are feeling and try to make decisions when we are in a good state of mind. It can also be helpful to talk to someone we trust about our feelings before making an important decision.