ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Emotions in decision-making

Emotions are like colors that we feel in our bodies when different things happen to us. For example, when you get a present, you feel happy or excited, and when you are scared, you feel afraid.

When we make decisions, we use emotions to help us decide. Sometimes we make decisions based on how we feel instead of thinking logically. For example, if you see your favorite toy in the store, you might want to buy it because it makes you feel happy, even if you don't really need it.

Sometimes our emotions can make us make bad decisions too. For example, if you are very angry, you might say something mean to your friend without thinking. This is why it's important to try and control our emotions and think before making a decision.

On the other hand, sometimes our emotions can help us make the right choice. For example, if we have a bad feeling about a situation, it might be a sign that we need to be careful or avoid it altogether.

So, emotions are like colorful helpers that can guide us when we make decisions, but we need to make sure we use them wisely and not let them control us completely.