ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Energy park

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of a park? It's a fun place where you can play, run around, and have a good time, right?

Well, an energy park is kind of like a regular park, but instead of just having swings and slides, it's a big space where people come to make energy.

When we say "energy," we mean the power that makes things go - like the electricity that comes out of an outlet in your house.

The energy park has a bunch of different things going on all at once, sort of like an amusement park. Instead of rides, you might see solar panels, wind turbines, and hydroelectric dams - all of which create energy in different ways.

Some of these things might look familiar to you. You might have seen solar panels on the roof of your house. They're kind of like big, flat squares that sit in the sun and soak up the energy.

Wind turbines are even more fun! They're these big, tall structures with giant blades on them that spin in the wind. The faster the wind blows, the more energy they make.

Finally, hydroelectric dams are just like big walls that hold back a lot of water. The water flows through pipes and turbines, and that movement creates energy.

So, an energy park is a place where there are lots of different things that make energy - just like a regular park has lots of different things to do. But instead of playing on swings and slides, people come to the energy park to create power and keep things moving.