ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Entoptic phenomenon

Hey kiddo, have you ever looked at the sun and saw some funny colors or shapes in your eyes? That's what we call entoptic phenomenon. It's when we see things that are actually happening inside our own eyes or brain, not in the world around us.

You know how our eyes take in all the light colors and shapes around us and send them to the brain so we can see? Well, sometimes our brain mixes up the signals it gets from the eyes and we see things that aren't really there.

For example, have you ever seen little dots or squiggly lines when you stare at a blank wall or the sky? Those are called floaters and they're actually little bits of stuff floating around inside the clear jelly inside our eyes.

Another thing you might have seen are phosphenes. Have you ever rubbed your eyes really hard and seen flashes of light? That's because when we rub our eyes, it puts pressure on the retina and sends funny signals to the brain that make us see lights.

These are just a few examples of entoptic phenomenon. It's really cool to see these things, but it's also important to take care of our eyes and not stare at the sun or rub them too hard.